What to Do When You Don’t Know Where to Begin

What to Do When You Don’t Know Where to Begin
Whether it be grip training or otherwise, when you have no idea where to start, the best thing to do is to find someone who has already “been there” and ask as many questions as you can. It is important to find out as much as you can but it is more important to understand that knowledge and be able to apply it to your training. This is one of the biggest reasons for having this newsletter: to help you know what to do but also why it should be done.

Many of you have taken the first step by sending in your questions, and do we ever have some great ones. I am amazed at the depth and breadth of the questions and comments that we have received. Here are a few of them:

“Can you tell me the best ways to develop my player’s hand strength for football?”

“How do I increase my supporting grip for Strongman Contests and Powerlifting?”

“I want to strengthen my hands so I can practice my guitar playing more frequently.”

“Will stronger wrists help me hit a longer drive on the golf course?”

“Stronger hands will help me become a truly scary grappler.”

“I need to develop more finger dexterity and flexibility for pen spinning and card manipulation.”

“I just want to make my hands stronger and healthier so they don’t ache after I’ve been shoveling snow all day.”

“I keep spraining my wrists when I hit the heavy bag. HELP!”

“I’m sick of having tired hands after typing on my computer.”

“My goal is to lift the Inch Dumbbell.”

“My hands keep giving out first. I know that stronger hands will help me do 20 pull-ups.”

“I keep having lousy workouts and haven’t made any progress in over a year. What should I do?”

“I don’t have a lot of time to work out as I am balancing work on top of family”

These are just a handful of the great responses we have been getting and believe me, we will go into all of them at some point. One topic that keeps coming up frequently is that people want to know more about the best ways to train for heavy hand grippers. If you want to close that #3 or #4 (or #1 or # 2!) so bad you can taste it, have no fear, we are going to cover that very soon.

Train hard,

John Wood