According to ‘Bombardier’ Billy Wells…

According to ‘Bombardier’ Billy Wells…

In strength training, there are many books that are well thought of as ‘classics.’ One great example from way back in 1926 is Super Strength by Alan Calvert, and another more recent example is ‘Dinosaur Training’ by Brooks Kubik. I’m...
How The Focused Mind Can Pierce Stone

How The Focused Mind Can Pierce Stone

Back In the days of high adventure, there lived a man who devoted himself wholeheartedly to Kyudo, the art of the bow. He practiced for hours each day and never, ever missed a session. After several years of constant and gradual improvement, he had reached a level of...
Know One…Know All

Know One…Know All

Here’s a quick one to meditate on:With so many different ways to train, it’s easy to get lost at times. You’ve got barbells, you’ve got machines, and you’ve got sandbags, hand grippers, barrel lifting, chest expanders, kettlebells, thick bars, bodyweight training and...